Subject: Re: NIC memory corrupt
To: Sean-Paul Rees <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/29/1999 18:23:55
On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Sean-Paul Rees wrote:

> Every few boots or so, I get the message that my NIC memory is corrupt. I
> understand this if I force reboot the machine but not after rebooting from
> a 'halt.' Am I doing something wrong?

That's what I'd call a warning level or even info level error message.
The card still works after that, right?  Anyway, it's usually caused by
MacOS initializing the card before NetBSD takes over.

> [root@kristy]-~# halt
> NetBSD/mac68k doesn't trust itself to update RTC at shutdown.
> System halted.

Ick.  You should always use shutdown to shut the machine down.  For a
halt, use "shutdown -h now", for a reboot, use "shutdown -r now".  They're
the same under many OSes, e.g. linux, but IIRC, not under NetBSD.


David A. Gatwood                         Visit globegate's internet                  talker, Deep Space 36                telnet