Subject: sudo error?
To: None <>
From: Ben Zeller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/19/1999 16:15:54
This problem is not stricty NetBSD/mac68k related, so please pardon what is
probably a sudo newbie question and also off topic.
After compiling and installing sudo from the packages collection, and
setting up the sudoers file, I was pleased to find that sudo worked well.
That was yesterday afternoon. Then, I went about compiling pico (also from
the package collection). When I logged in this morning and tried to execute
a sudo command, I was told
yak% sudo vi rc.conf
Sorry, sudo must be setuid root.
The permissions on sudo are:
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 57344 Mar 18 16:15 sudo
This looks right to me. The pertinant section of the sudoers file lists:
zeller ALL=(ALL) ALL
("zeller" is my user account.) Any ideas? Does it have something to do
with my pico install (pico is working fine...)? I can't imagine how or
Thanks for any help that anyone can give me. I would rather not have to use
su and send my root passwd across the network ;)
Thanks again,
/ \ Ben Zeller
\ \__O__/ / University of Rochester Computing Center
--(_)-- Phone: (716) 275-9175 Fax: (716) 273-1023
.---/ \---. Email:
/ /(>I<)\ \ Smail: 27B Taylor Hall
\ - / University Computing Center
\ / Rochester, NY 14627-0197