Subject: Newbie PB540c
To: None <>
From: Paul T. Root <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/15/1999 15:54:32
	I recently received a 'new' 540c and am playing around with getting
NetBSD on it. And I have 2 questions.

	1) Since the 320 meg drive is too small for both, I grabbed a 810Meg
spare drive I have from a Sparc Book and plugged it in. I created a 200 Meg
Mac partition and copied everything over from the old disk (via a SyQuest). 
However, the drive just won't boot without the SyQuest drive connected. It will
boot from that disk, but only when the SyQuest is connected too.

	I used both Apple's hard disk utility (patched) and Sliverlining 5.8.2.

	Could this be a termination problem?

	2) From what I gleam from the web pages. 1.3.3 probably won't do anything
	more than single user mode. But -current would probably work better.

	So could I load 1.3.3 on the disk, and then put -current's kernel on it
	and boot? Then build -current? I ask because I can't seem to find pre-built
	current packages.

	And if that's possible, where can I get a kernel?


 ``Where would Christianity be if Jesus got eight to fifteen years, with
 time off for good behavior?''
  New York State Senator James H. Donovan, on capital punishment.