Subject: Re: ISDN?...anyone...anyone
To: None <>
From: Maurice Smiley <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/1999 19:35:40
> LocalTalk does run at double that speed, and the RAW serial ports are
> capable of dealing with 230kbps speeds...BUT, in order to achieve those
> speeds, you would need to use an external clock. The connectix QuickCam is
> an example of this I believe. It actually provides a clock for the serial
> port in order to get higher throughput to the serial port. To my knowlege,
> the only Macs that can go higher than 57600 w/o external clocking are the
> geoport-equipped ones, such as the AV Macs.
> Sorry for the bad news,
> Mike
> Bikers don't *DO* taglines. works on the MacOS side.  In fact, 3Com lists the entry level Mac
for running this as a Mac Plus running System 7.  So, it would seem that the
issue is indeed NOT the hardware being able to drive 115200, but either a
NetBSD configuration issue, *OR* NetBSD not supporting serial port speeds
over 57600.

Can anyone confirm or deny this?