Subject: Re: My system does not come up
To: None <>
From: KITAMURA Yasuichi <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/12/1999 16:16:19
IZY01245>    I downloaded mksf, installer, booter and after that received base.tgz, kern
IZY01245> .tgz and etc.tgz as binary files.  I completed formatting with mkfs and instal
IZY01245> led these three tgz files just after formatting, but booting fails. 
IZY01245>    Each time I boot the system, the message below appears but no message follo
IZY01245> ws after that.  I can hear no sound inside my Mac so I think the process is wa
IZY01245> iting after putting out this single line.
IZY01245> [preserving 323593 bytes of netbsd symbol table]

I'm sorry for asking you such silly question. But your booter is set autoboot?
After double-clicking the booter, you typed Command-B, didn't you?

No messages sound really strange...