Subject: Re: fax with mgetty and Dr. Neuhaus modem
To: D. Gassen <>
From: Dr. Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/09/1999 13:23:45
On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, D. Gassen wrote:

> Hi,
> does anybody use mgetty to receive fax? I successfully installed mgetty
> from the package system (works really great!) and mgetty seems to work
> correctly. The only problem is that nearly every fax is aborted due to
> timeouts. The modem is listed in docs/modems.db as working under Linux.
> I even implemented the proposed patch with no success.
> I use a selfmade cable:
> HSKi  2 ----------------------  5 CTS
> TxD-  3 ----------------------  2 TxD
> GND   4 ----------------------  7 SG
> RxD-  5 ----------------------  3 RxD
> GPi   7 ----------------------  8 DCD
> HsKo  1 ------------------+--- 20 DTR
> GND   4 ---+              !
>            !              !
> RxD+  8 ---+              +---  4 RTS

Looks fine.

> I used this cable with success to connect to my internet provider (only
> problem: silo overflows with high speeds).

I'd suggest slowing things down a little. If you're using ppp or slip,
each silo overflow causes a packet to be retransmitted. If the MRU is 500,
then one lost byte mans 500 need re-sending (which would happen after a

I really don't know much about mgetty, so I can't help much with the rest.
Though 1.3.2 is better than 1.3.3 as I broke the serial driver for 1.3.3.

Take care,
