Subject: Re: System 7.5.5 & Mode32
To: None <>
From: Jason Powell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/07/1999 18:00:04 wrote:
> I am familiar with that problem. You need mode32 version 7.5 it is
> available from apple via ftp.
> acintosh
> /System/Other_System/MODE32_7.5.sea.bin
> that is teh complete path. after you do that you should find some of your
> problems solved. There is also a txt file in the directory. I would
> suggest reading it.
> Murias
Done that. Also grabbed MODE32-7.5 off the site, apple site and
straight from connectix. Every time, same thing.. It comes up, says "Welcome to
Macintosh", then after a bit the little box goes empty and it stops there.
Also, I've been having LAN problems ever since I introduced it to my LCIII. I've
tried cabling, removing different machines from the network... but some machines
can't see activity (the cards do, their little lights flicker) and others can. Any