Subject: DHCP, Cable Modem and all that
To: NetBSD List <>
From: Greg Eavns <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/28/1999 04:26:57

Just ewondering if someone could point me in the right direction 
regarding setting up my NetBSD machine with a 1 way cable modem with DHCP 
address selection.

I have read the networking FAQ on this and created the files as stated in 
the FAQ, though I am not sure if they are correct or not?

1) netstart.local did not exist in /etc as was shown in the FAQ, so I 
created one with merely the line 'dhclient sn0'

2) created dhclient.conf as shown in the FAQ

3) didn't touch the dhclient-script that was already in /etc

So I geuss the question is...where do I go from here?  I have not 
installed any additional software relating to DHCP (so I asusme I will 
need dhcpd), nor have I seen anywhere where I would make 'similar' 
settings as to what is on the Mac side...

The Settings on the Mac side are as follows (for reference if needed)

TCP/IP Control Panel

Connect via ethernet
Configure using DHCP Server
DHCP Client ID               <-- this is left blank
IP address: xxx.164.32.41
subnet mask
router address:
name server address:
Search Domains:

Thanks In Advance for advice, tips, help, flames, whatever :)
