Subject: Re: Netatalk problem
To: None <>
From: Wolfy <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/23/1999 14:53:04
> After the next sup scan, try getting a copy of the latest netatalk
> package. Jim Wise, another NetBSD developer, sent me patches ax through
> bb, which should make afpd work again.
> No other patches changed, so once they appear on the ftp server, you can
> just grap these five files & add them to your present package (they reside
> in pkgsrc/net/netatalk/patches). Then do a make clean && make. Then
> reinstall the package.
No such luck; I still get the "network unreachable" messages, then a ready
0/0/0 message from atalkd
afpd[216]: of_init: malloc: Undefined error: 0
Are the network unreachable messages related to afpd's demise?
getzones and aecho still work