Subject: Re: appletack and ethernet
To: Jt Chiodi \"The Squeegy\" <>
From: Charles Sebold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/18/1999 15:08:10
Jt Chiodi \"The Squeegy\" wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Mac SE/30 running 1.3.2 NetBSD.  It is connected to a local
> lan vi ethernet.  I just got a mac plus. is it possible to connect the
> plus to the SE.30 vi apple localtalk andallow the macplus to
> participate in the network.  I use a pc linux box as a mac server.
> could the plus connect to it using the SE/30 as an appletalk to
> ethernet gateway?
> thanks.
> ___________________
> Jt "The Squeegy" Chiodi

Linux 2.2 has an experimental ability to run LocalTalk via serial ports,
as well as encapsulate IP over AppleTalk packets.  You would have to
compile your own kernel, but you might want to look into having the "pc
linux box" handle the gateway work, since NetBSD's support looks to be a
way off yet.

I haven't tried this myself (I've got ethernet everywhere), but it might
be worth a shot if you're not afraid to experiment.  I only know this
because I've seen it in the Linux kernel config docs.

Another possibility is finding a cheap old dedicated gateway box; I've
seen Shiva FastPath's for US$5-10 in junk shops, etc.

Charles Sebold, UNIX Associate Systems Specialist
LCMS - Office of Information Systems