Subject: Mac hardware (Off-Topic)
To: None <>
From: Ryan Ordway <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/18/1999 10:50:43
This is a little off topic, but I am getting rid of some of my
older Mac hardware, and thought I would offer it up here before I got rid
of it, as some of it may be useful, and some of it isn't currently
supported. (And may be helpful to people who may be able to support it). I
Quadra 900 w/ 20MB RAM
Mac IIcx w/ 20MB of RAM
17" B/W Sigma Solutions(?) Multi Resolution Monitor
14.4 GV Modem (Gold II, I think, the one with the Performa style
serial port connector, with the extra pin for power.
various mice, ADB and ADB II
Syquest 44MB drive, with 7 44MB cartridges
The Q900's ADB and serial ports are still unsupported, and I'm not
sure how stable the dual SCSI busses are. And when I tried transferring
large files over the onboard ethernet it cut itself off from the network.
The Mac IIcx's motherboard is a little damaged, so that one NuBus
slot and one serial port are suspect, but works fine beyond that.
The monitor is driven by a strange NuBus display card that uses a
PC-style connector. So, assumedly it will only work with this card. I got
both of them with the Q900 about a year ago, and they work great. The
NuBus card is recognized as far as I remember, but the interrupts
interfered with the NuBus ethernet card I was using (I tested the monitor
on a IIci I used to have). It's a rather cool monitor, because in MacOS it
uses like 5 different resolutions. It came with a control panel that
replaces the MacOS monitors control panel, that included a built-in screen
saver, hotkeys for menus and on-the-fly resolution changes, an option to
change the size of the menu bar and all sorts of cool gadgets.
The modem works fine.
The Syquest drive doesn't even come CLOSE to working with NetBSD.
I think that it was recognized properly, but acted more like a CD changer.
Send me an private e-mail if you are interested in any of these.
We can negotiate a price, etc.
HELO... my name is rewt... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!
Vidi, vici, veni. (I saw, I conquered, I came.)