Subject: Re: native NetBSD booter
To: None <>
From: John Valdes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/15/1999 22:20:55
On Jan 30, 1999, Colin Wood wrote:
> Dr. Bill Studenmund wrote:
> > Will you always be booting into NetBSD? If you're working unattended, just
> > install a stripped-down MacOS & stick the booter in the startup items
> > folder.
> if you want to go a step farther, throw out the Finder. move the Booter
> to the System Folder. change it's type and creator to 'MACS' and 'FNDR'
> (actually, i'd suggest seeing what the Finder's type and creator are,
> since i may be remember it incorrectly). you'll probably have to rename
> the Booter to Finder as well.
> the next time you reboot, you'll go into the booter instead of the finder.
> if you don't really want to look at the booter, you can set it to autoboot
> on a 0 second delay.
> that's about as minimal as you can get at the moment.
As a finishing touch, you can edit the System file to customize the
startup screen. On my IIcx NetBSD boot floppy, I changed the Mac icon
(the color line drawing of the classic all-in-one Mac used by the
pre-system 7.5 System) to the NetBSD Daemon, and changed the line
"Welcome to Macintosh" to "Welcome to NetBSD". :) I forget the two
resources involved at the moment, but I can look them up if anyone's
interested. You could alternately, of course, just put a
StartupScreen PICT file in the system folder to achive the same
John Valdes Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics University of Chicago