Subject: Re: Desktop narrower....
To: Naoki Kobayashi <>
From: Eric Damien Berna <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/15/1999 10:28:37
At 6:58 PM -0600 2/12/99, Naoki Kobayashi wrote:
> I use Performa588
>Last time more than half year ago,when I boot NetBSD/mac68k,
>console shown full screen(14inches) ,but now quite narrower..
>...So at this point I reached I for the first time
>recognized that MacOS desktop ,too, narrower than more than
> half year ago,the time I version-uped from 8.0 to 8.1.
> How to fix this, make NetBSD console shown to full screen?
Your description of your problem doesn't indicate if your computer displays
the same number of pixels, just narrower than normal, or if your computer
displays less pixels.
If it is the same number of (now narrower) pixels, then my guess is that
you have a hardware problem with your monitor. Try adjusting the controls
on the monitor, or a different monitor.
If it is fewer pixels, my guess is that your video settings under Mac OS
have changed. This could have happened if your computer's battery went
dead and the computer was turned off (or lost power). Use the Monitor
control panel to adjust the video settings before booting into NetBSD.
I hope this helps.
Eric Damien Berna
NetBSD 1.3.1 on a Mac IIcx
NetBSD-current on a Mac Quadra 950