Subject: Night SWIMming, was: Sorry, a few basic networking questions
To: David A. Gatwood <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/11/1999 22:03:32
At 21:32 Uhr +0100 31.01.1999, David A. Gatwood wrote:
>On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 wrote:
>> On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Dr. Bill Studenmund wrote:
>> > NetBSD/mac68k doesn't support floppies. :-( SCSi zip drives will show up
>> > just like hard disks, though.
>I wanted to ask about this.  A while back, there was some work on a driver
>that handled some of the older machines with 800k drives (I think that's
>right).  Recently, I've been doing work under the hood of MkLinux's floppy
>drvier, and fairly soon, we're going to run in to a wall, specifically
>Swim II support.  MkLinux's driver currently only supports Swim III.  Is
>anyone interested in working with MkLinux's driver and NetBSD's partial
>driver, to merge functionality?  What's the status of NetBSD's code?

I am working with Scott to get the GCR driver into the tree. When he and I
can find time, that is... It's been almost three years now since I started
the project.

The driver supports the original SWIM in IWM mode, i.e. all '030 machines
except the IIfx (and probably the Duo PBs), and the Q700. All the other
'040 machines have a SWIM II or IOP chip that does not support the IWM
"register" model.

Half a year ago, someone sent me two 1993ish header files that expose
details of the SWIM. Taking those between the teeth and diving into the
.Sony disassembler listing, it should be possible to come up with a SWIM
register model. Still, it will be tough work as GCR is much easier on the
poor programmer than MFM. The SWIM appears to have very basic support for
MFM, way less than your average peecee floppy controller.


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)