Subject: booting failed
To: None <>
From: Martin Soffner <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/04/1999 12:00:10
perhaps you have a hint for my problem with the MRGPM_IV_NCR.132
kernel (the latest kernel from Takashi Hamada for the 180 Powerbooks)
and NetBSD 1.3.2.
I tried to boot with this (all other kernels (also GENERIC etc.) hang
at an earlier step) on my Powerbook180c, and some moments after
prompting for the shell to use or shortly after the next prompt, when
quickly typing <return>, there is a vm_fault, then the kernel-stack is
shown and it is rebooting. 32 bit addressing is on, virtual memory
off. The details are:
- MacOS 7.1.3 with system extensions turned off
- a root&usr partition, a swap partition
- Installer version 1.1g
- binary packages base.tgz, etc.tgz, comp.tgz (1.3.2) installed; also kernel
MRGPM_IV_NCR.132.tar.gz; devices built
- Booter version 1.11.4a1 (serial ports options: "open port before booting")
- the messages after prompting:
vm_fault (18b000, 61fff000, 1, 0) -> 1
type 8, code [mmu,,ssw]: 4010755
trap: type0x8, code 0x4010755 v 0x61ffffff
kernel: MMU fault trap
Then soon the kernel stack follows.
Has it something to to with the ADB or the video card (a line
beginning with "intvid0" says something like having recognized the
video card while later on there is "macvid0 unknown video card") ?
What can I do? And will there be a possibility to run the X package on
this platform? Thank you in advance.
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@~/ .. \~@
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martin soffner |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___||~~~ ~ ~~
email ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~
tel (priv) +49-30-2859028 ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~
(uni) +49-30-314/73126 ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~