Subject: 530 User root may not use FTP (invalid shell). ? :(
To: None <>
From: Dale Einarson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/05/1999 21:56:07
Hello all,

	Firstly, I would like to say "Thanks to Bob Nester for all the help /info
on the SCSI #5"

I am just installing 1.3.3 fresh for the first time ( from the netbsd
binaries).  I did have the ftp working for the first week or so.  At some
point I must have done something that I am not aware would affect the ftpd.
 I fiddled with it to try to get it going ...

When I try to ftp as any user I get 

331 Password required for root.
530 User root may not use FTP (invalid shell).
logon failure, so quitting

what is wrong?  I looked at the man page and the mail archives.  I have
made sure of the following
1.)  /etc/inet.conf has the entry:	ftp		stream	tcp	nowait	root
/usr/libexec/ftpd	ftpd -lC  ( org ftpd -ll )
2.)  /etc/ftpuser has the entry:		root allow <cr> *  allow <cr>toor deny
<cr> uucp deny
3.) there is no /etc/noligin	
4.)  I have played with the ftpd -?? l, C, ll, lC  etc...

My system:
Fuji 2266 with
	300mb /usr		MacBSD partition
	300mb / 		MacBSD partition
	the rest is swap and MacOS
Maxtor 340mb MacOS
Exabyte 8200 tape drive
MacCI 32mb RAM

PS: please, feel free to email me directly I am not on this list
Thanks in advance

Dale Einarson

Dale Einarson,  mailto://