Subject: Re: Booting
To: Sean-Paul Rees <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/21/1998 00:20:02
It is necesary for now to use the booter application.  There have been
several projects to change this, but so far they have not removed this

Note that you can set the Booter's Preferences to automatically boot
after a predetermined time period, and then drop an alias of the Booter
into your StartUp folder. 

On Sun, 20 Dec 1998, Sean-Paul Rees wrote:

> Is it always nessecary to use the BSD booter application to fire up
> NetBSD? Is there a way for the machine to boot directly to NetBSD without
> having to go through MacOS?
> -Sean-Paul Rees

| Paul Goyette      | PGP DSS Key fingerprint:   | E-mail addresses:        |
| Network Engineer  |   BCD7 5301 9513 58A6 0DBC |       |
| and kernel hacker |   91EB ADB1 A280 3B79 9221 | |