Subject: ppp questions.
To: 'MacBSD' <>
From: Paul Thompson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/19/1998 23:23:19
I have the following setup. A LC475 (full 68040 with 36mb of Ram) with 
netbsd 1.3.2. This computer is running ipnat and connecting to the 
internet. I also have a Toshiba laptop with NT, this laptop connects to the 
NetBSD machine via ethernet and onto the net without a problem. On top of 
that I have a powerbook with a serial connection via a old laserwriter 
cable into the printer port of the 475. I can connect using either zterm or 
pppd to the 475 from the powerbook.

However: (yes there had to be a catch) how do I run multiple copies of 
pppd? If I login using pppd over the serial cable, then try to start pppd 
to access the net it tells me that it is already running, but *IF* I start 
the internet connection first THEN connect from the powerbook over the 
serial line it works. This isn't the desired situation because I plan to 
put my spare modem onto this line, dialin then out on the otherline.

More detail on the serial line pppd, I'm using an account with has 
/usr/sbin/pppd as it's shell, In the home directory I have placed a .ppprc 
file that contains settings such as IP #s. I figured I'm not going to run 
an ISP so I wont waste my time working out dynamic settings. :-)

Also, does anyone have a script/program that can keep an internet 
connection up? I have a isp that kicks users off after 3 1/2 hours online, 
doesn't matter what you're doing either. What I would like to do is have 
the 475 detect that the line went down and bring in back up again.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Cheers, Paul.