Subject: Re: 1.3.3 (was: reinstall)
To: Jeffrey Dunitz <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/18/1998 14:26:06
At 9:17 PM -0800 12/17/98, Jeffrey Dunitz wrote:
>I'm most fluent in french (though I can make my way through German and
>Swedish as well)...if there were _one_ critical document to have a french
>translation of, what would it be? I might want to take a crack at it, and

There have been questions now and again about supporting french keyboards
and french keyboard layouts.  I never paid much attention, but you might be
able to search the list archives.  Maybe the info even made it into the FAQ?

Certainly the FAQ could use translation as well.

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