Subject: Re: Trying again and again to startx
To: None <>
From: Fabrizio Catalano <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/18/1998 20:44:59
>Hello, can someone please help me start X on my Centris 610
>I just loaded the entire NetBSD 1.3.2 distribution including
>all the X stuff.
>I added '/usr/X11R6/bin' to my path, added '/usr/X11R6/lib' to
>Running 'startx' leaves 'Screen 0 at 0x41e5000, 800 by 600,
>rowB 832, fbbase 0.' at the bottom left of the display and hangs.
>After installing all the sets, what command will start X with
>an xterm window.  I'm in 1-bit mode and running multi-user.
>If I try the command 'xinit xterm -geometry +1+1 -n login -display
>:0' I get the same 'Screen 0...' error along with these others.
> 'Couldn't open /dev/adb...
>  Fatal server error:
>  Device busy'
>While booting NetBSD I get the following.
> 'intvid0 at obio0:DAFB: Monitor sence 0.
>  intvid0: 800 x 600, monochrome
>  grf0 at intvid0
>  ite at grf0 not configured'
>Any ideas?

I've experienced the same problem with my Quadra 650 and apple 16" RGB
monitor running NetBSD 1.3.2. My solution arrived together the Ken Nakata's
OSFA server used in color mode (8 or 16 bits).

I hope this helps.