Subject: Re: Problems with building identd
To: Space Case <>
From: J. Benedict <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/02/1998 20:00:48
>On Dec 2,  7:38pm, J. Benedict wrote:
>>I'm trying to build identd, a ident daemon which I need to use to use IRC
>>servers.  The package name is called pidentd-2.6.1.tar.gz and I got it at
>Why?  NetBSD comes with identd (in /usr/libexec, called via inetd).
>If the IRC server is barfing on what identd returns, you might want
>to remove the -o from the identd line in /etc/inetd.conf.

I'll have a look at that.  I checked out the /etc/inet.conf file and the
identd line was #ed out, so I removed that.  Can I restart inetd remotely-
I'm telnetting into this box from home so I can't reboot or do anything
that demands actual console input...


Jeffrey E. Benedict * * 
"I should have gone to college and gone into real estate and
got myself an aquarium. That's what I should have done...."
                                     - Jeffrey Dahmer, reflecting