Subject: Re: asm2gas in m68k/fpsp
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: I-Jong Lin <ijonglin@EE.Princeton.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/02/1998 11:37:10
> [I realize this is an old message, but since I haven't seen any useful
> response, perhaps it's not entirely too late?]
> On 19 Oct 1998, Paul Forgey wrote:
> >I'm attempting to cross a netbsd kernel from sparc-sun-solaris2.6 ->
> >m68k-apple-netbsd.  I'm using egcs-1.1b and bintuils 2.9.1.  I've hit the
> >following snags:
> >[...]
> >res_func.s: Assembler messages:
> >res_func.s:1524: Error: parse error -- statement `fcmpd
> >#:0x41dfffffffc00000,fp0' ignored
> If I recall correctly, what you're seeing there is a local (NetBSD)
> modification to allow our version of gas to handle double precision real
> constants.  I'm not sure if anybody has resolved this satisfactorily for
> a cross-compile environment, but I'm cross-posting to port-m68k to see if
> someone can help.
> --scott
> PS - This is one of the things the m68k ports need to do something about
> before we move them to, by the way...
To whom it may concern,

Actually, I've written a pre-processing PERL script that takes cares
of most of these problems.  I've inserted this script into the
assembler call and it allows me to do a clean build of the 1.3.2
kernel w/o any changes to the source in HP/UX w/ gcc.  I've enclosed
the PERL script below.  Try it and see if it works.  It also handles
a weird local labelling protocol and the "%:" symbol.  It's a bit
of a hack, but it works for me.  Let me know if you have an problems.


-----------Cut here ---------------


for $my_arg (@ARGV) {
	print "\t $my_arg\n";
	if($my_arg =~ /\.[sS]$/) {
		$the_files.=" $my_arg";
		} else {
		$the_args.=" $my_arg";

print "System call: as $the_files $the_args\n";

if($the_files eq "") {
	} else {
	for $my_file (@files=split(/ /,$the_files)) {
		if($my_file ne "")  {
			print "Opening $my_file...";
			open(FIN,"< $my_file");
			print "closed.\n";

sub do_file {

	if($filename ne "") {
		system("ls -l $filename");

	print "Running /opt/mac68k/m68k-apple-netbsd1.1/bin/as.orig $the_args.\n";
	open(FOUT,"| /opt/mac68k/m68k-apple-netbsd1.1/bin/as.orig $the_args");
	open(FOUT2,"> /tmp/lookie.raw ");
	open(FOUT3,"> /tmp/lookie");


	if($filename eq "") {
		} else {

	print FOUT2 $buf_line;

	do {
		if($buf_line eq ""  && $line eq "") {

		if($buf_line =~ /^([^;]*;)(.*)/) {
			} else {
			if($filename eq "") {
				} else {

			print FOUT2 $buf_line;

			$buf_line =~ s/(\"[^\";]*);([^\";]*\")/$1:$2/g;
			$buf_line =~ s/#:0/#0/g;

			if($buf_line !~ /\.asci/) {
				if($buf_line =~ /^([^\|]*)\|.*/) {
					$buf_line="$1 ";

		if($line =~ /\b([0-9])[fF]\b/) {
			$line =~ s/\b($pat)[fF]\b/ my_kludge$count /;

		if($line =~ /^(\W*)([0-9]):/) {
			if($get=$flag{$pat}) {
				$line =~ s/^(\W*)$pat:/my_kludge$get:/;
				} else {
				$line =~ s/^(\W*)$pat:/my_kludge$count:/;

		if($line =~ /\b([0-9])[bB]\b/) {
			$line =~ s/\b$pat[bB]\b/ my_kludge$get /;

		if($line !~/^\W*$/) {
			print FOUT "$line";
			print FOUT3 "$line";
			if($line !~/\n$/) {
				print FOUT "\n";
				print FOUT3 "\n";
		} while($flag);

	if($filename eq "") {
		} else {

