Subject: Re: Dat drives
To: Lars M Gustafsson <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/19/1998 08:33:41
<> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a newbie on this, i have a Bsd-box and a DAT - drive, could
> you please send me the scrips/commands you use for the a full backup.
> regards,
> Lars.

Nothing special, really.  Everything is in the man pages for tar.
Personally, as root I use:

tar -cPv -X /etc/exclude /

c - create an archive
P - retain absolute pathnames ( don't strip leading /'s)
v - verbose.  Usually, I have tar running in it's own x term.
    Personally, I like to see what's happening.  This flag may not be
    for you.
X - Using an 'exclude file'. (/etc/exclude).  This is the stuff I
    don't want archived. (/proc and /kern)

and the final slash -- the root file system -- what I want tarred.
Notice that since I didn't use -f or name a destination file, tar
assumes the destination to be a tape drive at /dev/rst0

Then to rewind when I'm done:

mt -f /dev/rst0 rewind

(man mt for more info)

If you want to make a text copy of the man page --
man tar | col -b > tar.txt will strip out all of the formatting characters.

Steve Revilak