Subject: Re: Compiling MySQL
To: Peter Gutbrod , netBSD <>
From: Paul DuBois <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/18/1998 09:31:02
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 04:20:58PM +0100, Peter Gutbrod wrote:
> Did anyone manage to compile MySQL on netbsd-mac68k?
> I've tried the source from the package collection, but it compiles only 
> without the database server due to lack of native thread support. So the 
> result is no very usefull.
> Then I downloaded the sourcode directly from NTX and tried to use 
> MIT-pthreads as advised in the MySQL manual. 
> config gave a warning that the system is not recognized and make stopped 
> with a fatal error afterwards.

I don't think you can do it, because the mit-threads stuff seems to require
some assembler code, and that's only supplied for NetBSD for i386.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, though!  Anyone know for sure?

Paul DuBois
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