Subject: Re: Wordperfect on NetBSD/mac68k
To: None <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/01/1998 01:06:56
Ulrich Hausmann wrote:
> Colin Wood wrote:
> >
> > Ulrich Hausmann wrote:
> > > But, would it run on Linux/m68k machines then (altthough the implementation
> > > ofLinux to 68k based Macs, apparently, is definitely poor)? Or would it be
> > > limited to Intel based machines?
> >
> > it will only run on IA32-based machines. i'm pretty sure they're shipping
> > binary only products, no source. there is no binary compatibility across
> > processor architectures (at least not without some significant emulation
> > overhead). if they deigned to ship a linux/m68k version, then it would
> > work, but i serious doubt that there is enough market to justify such a
> > decision.
> Colin,
> in the Unix related group on Delphi (nearly totally Linux and some FreeBSD) I
> got info Lotus is "thinking about" porting Lotus SmartSuite and Notes to Linux
> - open source. If that would be true, then those applications (I don't know
> them aside the word processing which is Ami Pro, right?) could be used also
> under NetBSD?
if they actually released the source for their applications, then i'm sure
someone could probably figure out a way to port it to netbsd, perhaps even
make a package out of it. that's a pretty big "if" tho. we'll see what
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - PMD Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.