Subject: Re: IIsi Ethernet
To: Dair Grant <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/29/1998 10:08:18
Dair Grant wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently installed NetBSD 1.3.2 onto a IIsi, and have run into a
> problem getting ethernet working.
> I'm using an Apple Ethernet NB card (which uses a Sonic 83934), plugged
> into an Apple PDS->NuBus converter.
> The card and converter function correctly under Mac OS, and I can access
> AppleTalk/IP services without problems.
[problem description snipped]
> The "NetBSD/mac68k Ethernet Status" web page is a little unclear as to
> whether this is to be expected or not: it says the "Apple EtherNet NB"
> card has a 68000 controller, and isn't supported on the II-series Macs.
well, it's not supported in any mac, actually, but that's not really
relevant in this case...
> Although this seems to be the case, the docs I have for the card say that
> it's an "Apple Ethernet NB" card with a Sonic 83934 controller - and so I
> was hoping that the sn driver would support it.
the apple ethernet nb cards _do_ have sonic chips on them, but the usually
had a 68000 on them as well. does _your_ card have a 68k processor on it?
if so, it's not supported.
there was some kind of ethernet card made by apple (ethertalk nb?) which
did _not_ have a 68k processor on it, and i believe that they work under
netbsd. it's also possible that apple made some ethernet nb cards w/o the
68k processor.
> Is there anything I can do to get NetBSD running with this card?
if your card doesn't in fact have a 68k processor on it, then maybe so.
otherwise, probably not :-(
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - PMD Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.