Subject: Re: LC III video and network Q's
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/27/1998 17:38:51
>I recently installed NetBSD on an old LC III I had lying around (amazing
>how much faster that thing is when it doesn't have to keep drawing
>pictures), and only two things are truly driving me bonkers right now:
>1) Black text + white screen = big headache. Is there a way to switch to
>a more standard white/grey text on black screen?
Use the "dt" utility. It'll let you have the inverse video, will let you
use your mouse (with cut/paste), give you virtual screens, and it's even
much faster than console :).
>2) Instead of networking, I have net-sort-of-working. I have a modem on a
>Linux PC which is configured to be my gateway to the world. If I put a
>nameserver entry into my /etc/resolv.conf, then the Mac loses its ability
>to address the machines on my home LAN by name...but if I take the
>nameserver entry out, then I have to address other machines by IP address.
>Is there something I'm missing that would let me have my cake and eat it,
Why not just put your lan computers into /etc/hosts?
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.