Subject: Quadra 700 file problems
To: None <>
From: Dave <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/20/1998 23:05:11
Hello again.
So I tried the IIci to Quadra scenario, using Slotman hwd ncr kernel.
this is all using NetBSD current snapshot.
(By the way the delay factor difference between the IIci @ 50 mhz and the
Quadra 700 is 203 to 228 respectively.)
After installing and configuring for multi-user & entering a password on
the IIci, I swapped drives & I booted with the Quadra, the boot went fine,
I logged in and the first thing I tried was "startx"
it said:
Segmentation fault - core dumped
i tried again, it said:
/usr/libexec/ xinit: bad address
so i tried rebooting, it said:
syncing disks...
uvn - warning: page (and some hexadecimal numbers)
and it froze.
so then i rebooted manually. then booted into NetBSD, and the familiar
it booted all the way up to the point where it says (w/error messages
checking quotas: done.
building databases...
clearing /tmp
trap type 0, code = 0x105, v = 0x1a30000
kernel program counter = 0x13e3c8
kernel: Bus error trap
pid = 102, pc = 0013E3C8, ps = 2000, sfc = 1, dfc = 1
then alot of hexadecimal info about registers & kernel stack (0087FC0C)...
then it says
panic: bus error
stopped in sh at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
then i typed reboot
it said:
syncing disks... panic: lockmgr: locking against myself
stopped in sh at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
then i typed it again and it rebooted.
i tried another hard drive, except with NetBSD Generic and the same thing
i also tried substituting the Quadra 700 specific kernel i found. it would
panic at the disk check in the booting phase. it would say: "Help!" I kid
you not.
i am thoroughly exhausted. i am taking a break from this. but let me know
what you think of it all.