Subject: Re: Booter 1.11.3
To: None <>
From: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/21/1998 00:58:44
"Ulrich Hausmann" <> wrote:

Ulrich> True. But why the Booter is failing totally, when
Ulrich> set to Auto-set?

What?  I set my Booter like you (bias to 540, and auto set
on, for me) and it's works well.  Hmm, try below:

* Make sure your date/time is correctly set in your 'Date &
  Time' control panel.

* Clear your machine's PRAM by pressing Cmd-Opt-P-R when you 
  restart it.

Er, environment variable TZ (see man date) would work for
you, but it doesn't need generally.

Ulrich> Another question: all books and also your example
Ulrich> show the "%" as prompt (some also refer to ">" as
Ulrich> prompt. I only saw that when I felt in the debugger
Ulrich> (?)). But I get "#" as prompt. Why that? Or is that
Ulrich> just for all Macs the prompt?

When the OS is in single-user mode, its prompt is same as
super users'.