Subject: HFS Utils 3.x & b-tree corruption
To: port-mac68k mailing list <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/13/1998 12:24:56
(Copies to the mailing list & also to the programs
I use hfsutils to transfer files back and fourth between my macs HFs drive
(not hfs +) and NetBSD UFS volume. However, though I've tried version 3.2
and 3.2.2, I continue to use version 2.0. Any of the 3.x versions causes
corruption to occur on the Mac drive. (After moving a few files, I'd test
with Norton Utils after booting back into MacOS.). The following are a few
snippets from Norton's findings:
>An error was found in a header node in the catalog b-tree.
>The total number of records for this b-tree, stored in the header node, is
>incorrect. (5,1,9)
>Node #0
>The header node was fixed.
>Scan Catalog
>An error was found in an alias record in the catalog b-tree.
>An alias record was found without a corresponding file record. (5,9,11)
>Node #2105, Record Offset 2
>The leaf alias record was fixed.
>File Fragments
>An error was found in the volume bit map.
>The volume bit map does not match the actual state of the catalog and
>extents b-trees on your disk. (4,0,2)
>The volume bit map was not fixed at the user's request.
Apple's DFA finds problems as well, though it's musch less specific as to
their nature.
The NetBSD disk is on its own drive (IBM H3171) and the Mac's is on a
Quantum 1.2 gig. (Fireball TM1280). The Mac drive has a single HFS
I know there are several on this list using 3.x. Has anyone noted anything
similiar? I'll gladly provide additional information (disklabels or
Steve Revilak