Subject: -current & GENERIC-84 problems...
To: None <>
From: Hans-Christian Becker <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/10/1998 15:31:59
Hi again.
I experienced the same problem as  Ewen Cartwright
<> with GENERIC-84. *That* particular problem
apparently has gone away in -current, but the kernel I built this morning
stops at
Configuring network interfaces: mc0
and just sits there. Does anyone have a clue? BTW, I just realized that I
haven't yet tried to build a kernel according to the GENERIC config file.
Maybe I chose the wrong combination of options :-(

Oh, and on a related topic: I can't gunzip xbase.tgz and xfont.tgz in the
xbin-98xxxx directory under arch/mac68k/. I tried two mirrors in Europe,
and the files on are the same size and have the same dates &
times as those on the mirrors.

Sigh. Why can't I just be happy with a setup that *works*?


Hans-Christian Becker (
Dept. of Physical Chemistry
Chalmers University of Technology