Subject: A success story
To: port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG <>
From: Jeffrey Ohlmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/04/1998 21:32:37
Hello Friends & Neighbors

I feel like I must share a brief tale with you all.  I recently relocated to a
new city and took a new job, where there is a mixed Mac and wintel
environment.  Although Windows dominates, the customers we support use both
platforms and as a result there are plenty of computers of both sorts sitting around.

In addition to the Wintel and Mac (Quadra 950) on my desk, I was able to set
up a second Mac (Quadra 650), on which I could not resist the temptation to
install NetBSD.

Things almost could not have gone better.  Installation was trouble-free; it
booted on the first try, and within less than two days of only intermittent
attention, it is up and running with full networking and X-windows, serving to
my other Mac running MI/X.

All this got a senior colleague sufficiently intrigued that not only did he
get MI/X for his Wintel (and an account on my NetBSD machine -- my first
user!) but he says he might dig out one of the Mac II-series sitting around
and try his hand with it.  He is a complete Unix novice, btw.

Needless to say, I've just been thrilled by the whole thing.  Hats off the the
many unsung warriors who have made the NetBSD/mac68k project a success!


Jeffrey Ohlmann

--      Two computers, four operating systems.      --
-- --