Subject: Re: SCSI Controller Values?
To: I-Jong Lin <>
From: Dr. Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/04/1998 11:20:26
On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, I-Jong Lin wrote:

> > The SCSI controller can only be accessed a certain number of times per
> > seconds, and it is likely that the low-level global that is supposed to
> > control the ROM's timing of this isn't getting updated, or that the UNIX
> > kernel is ignoring this value.
> > 
> > The value is stored in TimeSCSIDB, and is the DBRA timer used between
> > accesses to the SCSI controller (there is also a TimeVIADB which is a timer
> > between accesses to the VIA, a.k.a. serial, controller).

Note: the VIA chip has nothing to do with the serial controller. Also, the
Mac II hardware has circuitry which keeps us from accessing the serila
chip too frequently.

> So, kernel guys, where do these magical SCSI controller values reside
> in the source code?  Or is it passed in through the MacOS global values?

I'm not familiar with it, so it might be something we've been missing.
That would explain some of the SCSI errors. :-)

Scott, Allen....?

Take care,
