Subject: Re: Adduser
To: None <>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/04/1998 01:03:55

first of all. Thanks a lot (to you all!!) for all that help. Without,
I'd never suceed. 

That idea, 'man man' I already had by myself, but there doesn't result
anything that I would (could?) understand as that 'man <pagenumber>
file' "trick". Great, it works.

I'll try the multiuser option (also Michael explained so nicely. Thanks
Michael :)) ); hope it will work. Since I'm only trying on a Syquest,
I'm not particularily worried. If I'd ruin the structure, ok . . . :) . 

At the actual point of (lacks of) knowledge, I think the best way to
have things clearer is to stick with pretty standard. No extravagances -
exception made for one: in some man page (but now, that I'll have to
find it, I don't, MacMurphy :) ). I read there is a command to activate
on boot (or entering root) also HFS file structure. Would that mean,
NetBSDreads in directly MacOS files and could use such formatted media? 
(Footnote: From sharing HFS formatted removables between the Apple IIGS
and the Mac, I know, Mac HFS formatted medias are a bit problematic
because of that very first partition, where MacOS stores the partition
info, drivers ecc. In GS/OS those drivers are part of the system not the

media - and therefore it gets confused by that partition (but there is 
remedy . . .)).

Hmm. Finally, a very extravagant question: anyone here knows, whether or
not the X-GS emulation of the Apple IIGS would run under NetBSD? Please
forgive, it's just a curiousity, but the Apple II is the computer of my
heart, so . . . :))

Thanks again and best regards, Ulrich

>Von: Colin Wood <>
>An: (Ulrich Hausmann)
>Cc: (port-mac68k Mailing List)
>Betreff: Re: Adduser
>Datum: Don, 3. Sep 1998 22:26 Uhr

>man man
>the proper invocation is:
>man [section #] command
>so you'd want to do:
>man 1 passwd
>man 5 passwd
>btw, the section 5 manual pages just describe file formats.