Subject: NetBSD/mac68k startup problems
To: None <>
From: Mark de Jong <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/31/1998 21:32:29

I've installed NetBSD/mac68k on a Mac IICX that has:

	MacOS 7.1
	8 MB Ram
	1 GB HD (partitioned into: swap, root, usr)

When I first boot up NetBSD, I am able to get to single-user mode. I am
able to launch vi and "tweak" /etc/rc.conf (all I'm doing now is setting
"rc_configured=YES", since I'm not sure what to do with the rest).

The problem comes after I enter "exit". At the login prompt, I enter "root"
and no password. Then it displays:

	Terminal type? [vt220]

No matter what I enter there, I get the following:

	tset: terminal type xxxx is unknown

I've tried "vt220", "vt100", "tty", and "none" ... all to no avail.

Can you give me some hints as to how I can get past this point? Thanks.

	-- Mark

Mark de Jong                Macintosh Development