Subject: Re: Installation problem
To: port-mac68k <>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/31/1998 10:24:27
>1. Let us know the result of 'mount'?
I got this advice from Bob Nestor:

>Ulrich Hausmann <> wrote:
>>thanks for jumping in. I tried also your way, but in both cases I get as =
>>result of the second command line:
>>mount=82cd9660: : No such file in directory
>>The first command seems to work, though. Result is:
>>mkdir: cdrom: Rear-only file system
>Ah!  THis is your problem.  Your disk based file-system is read-only, so 
>you're not creating the mount-point.  Try doing this:
>   mount -rw /
>   cd /
>   mkdir /cdrom
>   mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0a /cdrom
>p.s. I might have the "-rw" option wrong as I'm doing this from memory.

And that was the one, which got me working one. Thanks a lot Bob!

Now I can switch between the drives, using the 'cd' command. Since I didn't
know how to switch back from /cdrom I used 'cd root' and that worked, but
very likely that is a very unappropriate way (?).

>2. Don't you do it in single user mode, do you?

Yes. I've a very rudimentary installation on a Syquest 200, because before
going to install NetBSD seriously, I want to try out, to learn and to see,
what will work and what not and mainly: what I'm able to do and what not
:)). It's my guess changing an existing installation isn't that fun (or am =
wrong on this?), and so I's prefer to know as much as possible, in a short
time, before starting to convert the content of a 4 GB HFS formatted hd to =
NetBSD based server installation. And then, I should also get the ethernet
card working . . .

Btw, trying to change to a multiple user installation might be my next step=
Do you know by chance, if there are (not existing) "adduser" command relate=
docs online - somewhere. Or should I first install the man package and look

Best regards, Ulrich
>Von: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
>An: "Ulrich Hausmann" <>
>Betreff: Re: Installation problem 
>Datum: Mon, 31. Aug 1998 6:17 Uhr

>"Ulrich Hausmann" <>  wrote:
>Ulrich> The first command seems to work, though. Result is:
>Ulrich> mkdir: cdrom: Rear-only file system
>Two questions come to me.
>1. Let us know the result of 'mount'?

>Ulrich> May be my problems are related to the format of that
>Ulrich> specific CD? But when it is ISO9660, it should be
>Ulrich> accessable in some way, shouldn't it?
>I don't think the CD has problems.  It shoud be.
>Good luck!