Subject: Re: Installation problem
To: Ulrich Hausmann <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/30/1998 18:02:19
On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Ulrich Hausmann wrote:

> Paul,
> thanks a lot for jumping in. I got your msg as you see below.
> That was a typo, I didn't put a space between cd and 9660. Sorry.

No problem - just had to make sure!

> When I do what you suggest, apparently nothing happens. I continue to be
> unable to move to the cdrom drive. Btw, would that be another command tha=
> 'cd' ?

First things first!  If you enter the ``mount -t cd9660 -o rdonly
/dev/cd0a /cdrom'' command, does it succeed?  If not, then you most
certainly will not be able to do ``cd /cdrom'' to get to it.

> Meanwhile, trying around, I found out: when I boot normally to the
> filesystem I've set up on a Syquest 200 (for trying and training :)) ) an=
> get the very first 'root device:' I can type in 'cd0a' and then I am in t=
> CDRom. But since it's a kind of an "automated" Amiga installer, I'm afrai=
> to shoot down my existing HFS hd and I don't go on. Anyway, I can do 'ls'
> ecc. there. So I guess, I simply should know, how to move between differe=
> physical drives within NetBSD to gain access over the CDRom from the prom=

Well, at least you know that your cd drive is working!

> Morover, I saw there is a command (program?) called 'mount=82cd9660'. May=
 be O
> should use that, to mount the CDRom. I tried a bit, but with the '-t' I'm
> always getting an error - then . . .

Nope - you really don't want to use the mount_cd9660 utility.  When you
type ``mount -t cd9660 ...'' the mount utility automatically invokes=20
mount_cd9660 after processing the common mount options (like rdonly).

I don't remember if anyone else has asked this, but can you post the
results of a ``disklabel cd0'' command for us?

| Paul Goyette      | Public Key fingerprint:    | E-mail addresses:       =
| Network Engineer  |   0E 40 D2 FC 2A 13 74 A0  |      =
| and kernel hacker |   E4 69 D5 BE 65 E4 56 C6  |