Subject: Re: Installation problem
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/29/1998 11:22:25

thanks for encouraging . . .:) I'll try to apply.

Anyway, some steps forward I did: I can move, when I get a prompt -
remembering the commands at the shell of my isp. But something does not
work. "man" for example. Now, can I install additional packages/programs
from the CD (or downloaded) using the Macintosh NetBSD/Installer program
(using install), or should that be done from the prompt?

Moreover, in the manual "For People New to Both FreeBSD and Unix", there is
explained an "adduser" command. This does not work for me. What do I wrong

Just to test and to see, if I'm there - generally, I tried the
"/sbin/shutdown -h now" command (that works nice with the IIci) and the
"/sbin/shutdown -r now" command. The latter reboots in MacOS, to make it
work as assumed, I should put an alias of the Booter program in the MacOS
startup folder, right?

Although I see, from the prompt (and on NetBSD boot) the CDRom drive, I can
not change the prompt to it; there is the Gateway3 CD in it, which should be
a readable volume. Indeed I can do "disklabel cd0" and see something. But
"cat", "ls" or so do not work . . .?

Then, actually it isn't that big deal for me, since from the Apple II I
pretty used to use, but, how do I activate German keyboard support? And does
it work with *any* ADB keyboard?
Actually on the IIci there is the Extended II attached (with German layout),
because I read somewhere the Extended type keyboards were less problematic
(but in my heart and practically, I prefer the very first Mac/Apple IIGS
ADB, the original "Apple Desktop Bus Keyboard", which has the smartest
touch, but is a bit strange, since there is one keycap less than on the
Apple Keyboard II, 88 vs. 89 I believe. On the German one there is missing
the apostroph " ' ", accessable only by use of the option key).

A general (not actual!) question: Does MacBSD provide something like
mirroring? Looking at the actual hd prices, that would be probably the best
way of backing up a server.

Thanks in advance, Ulrich

>Von: Colin Wood <>
>An: (Ulrich Hausmann)
>Betreff: Re: Installation problem
>Datum: Fre, 28. Aug 1998 17:47 Uhr

>Ulrich Hausmann wrote:
>> Stephen,
>> thanks for the info (I had read that too, but didn't remember the sourec).
>> Unfortunately, I don't think compiling and recompiling a kernel isn't that
>> easy for a total newbie. It's not like changing some line in the Lynx config
>> file . . .:). Seems, I've to learn a lot before being able to do that.
>not really.  assuming you install everything in the right place, it's as
>simple as commenting out 1 line in the GENERIC config file, then doing:
>config GENERIC
>cd ../compile/GENERIC
>make depend && make
>at that point, you've got a new kernel.
>Colin Wood                       
>Component Design Engineer - PMD                 Intel Corporation
>I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.