Subject: Re: Kernel Start-up Question
To: Ken Nakata <>
From: I-Jong Lin <ijonglin@EE.Princeton.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/25/1998 21:13:46
> On Tue, 25 Aug 98 20:07:42 EDT, I-Jong Lin wrote:
> > Whoa.  That would simplify things greatly if I could boot w/
> > the MMU off because the problem is that two boots actually need to occur.  
> > When the NetBSD booter starts the NetBSD kernel, the accelerator turns off 
> > and the '030 starts to boot.  By poking a particular memory location, the
> > '030 is switched off, '040 switches on and starts up on the reset
> > vector at a vector table which is located at memory location 0.
> Well, if it's coming out of reset exception, I'd bet my 2 cents that
> MMU is off.
> Ken

The '040 definitely has its MMU off.  However, I'm unsure whether
the initial '030 (pre-accelerator swithch) has its MMU off.  Well, actually, 
I'm not too sure  -- before I asked a question to newsgroup whether logical 
address 0 was equal to physical address 0 when netbsd hit the start symbol.
And the general consensus was no, that was not true -> ergo, my belief that
MMU in the '030 must be off. 
