Subject: HELP! Filesysem corruption
To: NetBSD-mac68k <>
From: Paul Forgey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/23/1998 03:31:04
I have a Mac IIci with a non-apple 1 GB SCSI disk, NetBSD 1.3.2.

I am using mkfs 1.45 and Installer 1.1g.  I am running with virtual memory
disabled, and no extensions.

It seems if I create and use a partition >= 150 MB or so, the filesystem
mkfs writes, or that the installer uses, ends up with a filesystem with
unreadable blocks and corrupt files (at my first attempt, things using
certain parts of libc, like lpd and sendmail, were crashing with illegal

If I do the same completely within netbsd, I have no problems.  I have used
disk verification tools and found no problems with the drive.

Am I the only one?  What could possibly be happening?  This is preventing me
from installing a workable system..