Subject: How NetBSD saved a G3 (off topic)
To: None <>
From: Wayne Chang <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/23/1998 03:37:37
How NetBSD saved a G3 (off topic story)
Sorry if this is too long.
As luck would have it my brand new (2 hours old) G3 was nuked by a power
failure on my street. The hardware was fine, but when power was restored my
machine refused to boot. Disk First Aid 8.1 found "serious errors" but said
it "cannot fix them."
So I had a $1700 would-be MacAquarium on my desk.
I thought, "DFA 8.2 was just released. Apple says it fixes more problems."
The only problem was, my G3 couldn't connect to the internet as its
internal hard drive was unbootable and I had no other drives.
To make a long story slightly shorter, I stopped panicking and started up
my SE/30 running NetBSD. Using ppp-kit, I ftp'd to and
downloaded the new Disk First Aid. I used the NetBSD Installer to cpout the
downloaded binhex file, then used StuffIt Expander from an old shareware CD
I had to unpack the program.
Thanks to NetBSD and a nine-year-old computer, my six-month-old G3 now boots.
P.S. I learned my lesson and bought a zip drive and made an emergency disk.
Wayne Chang
"Wherever the law is, crime can be found."