Subject: Re: Installation problem
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/23/1998 00:03:52

fine :). I was just afraid I'd fail because I was aware it isn't really
technical what I'm asking for.

Anyway, I found the section (4.12) in the FAQ and tried the remedy indicated
there (i.e. smaller partitions), but that didn't work. Since reorganizing a
big hd isn't that easy (so I could not try up to now to move the A/UX
partition to the first place), would it be a reasonable way, to try first on
a Zip or Syquest 200 (just for trying the installation procedure)?

Since there is mentioned it's a phase problem, may be it's a problem related
to the type of hd? The hd is a Dec RZ29 (which really is Seagate Barracuda
SCSI2 labeled Dec). On the Mac, it has a slightly strange behaviour when
spinning up. Since i sucks a lot of current on boot, first there appears the
disk icon with question mark (no boot disk) but then, all starts normally (I
tried to change the spin up time, but that didn't have any influence). When
I let do the Mac the ram check on boot (which is annoying because of the
ammount), then this phenomenon does not happen (I guess, it's because there
is time enough to spin up, *before* the roms look for a bootable disk).

Still far away considering where I actually am, but anyway: Does NetBSD
Mac68k recognize additional ser ports (eventually also accelerated ser
ports)? As for the existing Nubus
isdn card, I don't even have hope . . .(?)

Thanks a lot & regards, Ulrich

>Von: Colin Wood <>
>An: (Ulrich Hausmann)
>Cc: (port-mac68k Mailing List)
>Betreff: Re: Installation problem
>Datum: Sam, 22. Aug 1998 20:37 Uhr

>Ulrich Hausmann wrote:
>> I'm totally new to this mailing list and I'm not sure whether or not it is
>> allowed to ask not technical questions. If not, sorry in anticipation.
>> (Please indicate, if I should post better to the usenet group. There's some
>> problem here with, because the provider I'm mainly using, seems to have
>> cancelled it from his newsgroup list (?) ).
>Don't worry, this isn't really what I'd call a technical question, but it
>is the sort of stuff that is appropriate for this list.
>> When I try to install NetBSD to a Mac IIci (80 MB ram, 4 GB -Barracuda- at
>> scsi id 0, CDRom at id 3, ethernet, bichannel active isdn card, csi hurdler
>> ser ports), after starting the NetBSD/Mac68k Installer I'm getting the
>> following error:
>> >sd0 at scsi ID 0.
>> >Partition read, SCSIID = 0
>> >Mounting partition 'A' as /
>> >sd0a: Root 'NetBSD Root & Usr' at 4189661 size 2094208
>> >sd0b: Other (FWB DRIVER COMPONENTS) 'FWB Driver Components' at 101 size 1024
>> >sd0d: HFS_PART 'MacOS' at 1245 size 2094208
>> >sd0e: HFS_PART 'MacOS' at 2095453 size 2094208
>> >sd0f: HFS_PART 'MacOS' at 6283869 size 2096210
>> >sd0g: Other (APPLE_FREE) 'Extra' at 8380079 size 1
>> >Error on SCSIRead(), # 5
>> >failed mountfs(), error 22.
>> >Error mounting root.
>> >mount root. : Undefined error: 0
>> Any idea, what's the reason why? I took a look at the FAQ at the mac68k page
>> at, but I didn_t see any *obvious* reason. Please keep in mind
>> I'm pretty unexperienced with any Unix and trying to get NetBSD working on
>> that IIci is my very first experience (exception made for some use of Lynx
>> with an Apple II from shell). 
>You might want to dig around through the NetBSD/mac68k FAQ again, I'm
>pretty sure this one is in there.  The usual workaround for this situation
>is to increase the memory allocation for the Installer (just bump it up in
>the Get Info dialog).  You might have to set it _very_ high (like 60MB or
>so).  I'm not entirely sure what causes this, but upping the memory
>allocation usually seems to help.
>> (What I want to do is to give that nice machine "a second chance" as server
>> in a small bnc ethernet based lan (3 macs, 1 Apple IIGS), mainly as internet
>> gateway and as file server).
>It should do that nicely ;-)
>Good luck, and let us know if the above doesn't work.
>Colin Wood                       
>Component Design Engineer - PMD                 Intel Corporation
>I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.