Subject: Re: LCD monitor support on PB180?
To: None <,>
From: Tim Bessie <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/11/1998 10:37:23
At 07:01 PM 8/10/98 -0700, Scott Ellis wrote:
>I've been trying Mac68k kernels on my PB180 off and on for awhile now, and with
>one of the more recent snapshots (and the most recent booter!), it finally
>cleared the screen, and printed stuff on what appears to be the console (before
>it would hang when the kernel was supposed to start running).  Unfortunately, it
>dies after printing two lines, on teh "getting mmu map) (or something similar)
>line. ;-(

If you'll look in at
you can check for any old stuff about PB180's.  I've got one, and
Takashi Hamada's kernels are the only ones that have worked
with my PB180 using the LCD screen.   The regular, generic releases
seem to work when booted on the serial port (with "Open Serial Ports"
option checked, as someone mentioned).

Takashi's page is:

I'm using the kernel

The SBC kernels don't seem to work on the PB180.  Also, although it
is a great idea, the HWDIRECT kernels don't seem to work, either.
So you want the iv (internal video), ncr (SCSI driver) mrg (Mac-Rom Glue)
kernels Takashi's got.  It's not the latest code, but it'll boot, anyway,
and work with the LCD screen.

- Tim Bessie

Tim Bessie