Subject: Old System Interface Files
To: None <>
From: I-Jong Lin <ijonglin@EE.Princeton.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/05/1998 15:07:42
Dear People,

   I'm trying to compile some MPW source into the NetBSD Kernel.
However, it seems the project was built using the old system
interface files (files such as "SysEqu.a","GestaltEqu.a", and 
"Traps.a").  I would like to do a direct translation of the source
into the kernel, so does anyone have these files lying around
their hard drive and, if so, could they mail me the contents?  

Thanks muchly,

P.S.  This Carrera040 accelerator stuff is much, much harder than I 
	expected. :(