Subject: Re: Q605 is up (and a licensing question)
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/05/1998 09:25:39
At 8:47 AM -0400 8/5/98, Allen Briggs wrote:
>> So, you basically cannot use Linux kernel source
>> code in a NetBSD kernel or vice-versa.  For the mac68k ports of Linux and
>> NetBSD, this means that each camp must figure out all the hardware for
>> themselves, duplicating a lot of effort in some cases.
>Actually, isn't it OK if the author of the code releases two versions
>(one under the GPL, and another with the BSD-style copyright)?  The
>kernels are different enough that it would take a lot of work to
>translate most drivers from one to the other, but this might make things
>a little easier.
Yes, that could be done, but it would be unusual. What you would be
permitted to do with the code would depend on which version you were
looking at. In effect, you would end up with the least restrictive parts of
each license, that is you could do whatever either one permitted. You
wouldn't be bound by the sum of the restrictions.


Stephen B. Salai                            Phone (716) 325-5553
Cumpston & Shaw                             Fax    (716) 262-3906
Two State Street                            email
Rochester, NY 14614