Subject: One more help
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Shorock <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/04/1998 15:33:09
I really appreciate the help with this... trying to save some hardware
from doom.  Now, the compile is getting all the way to the end, but the
final link stage gives me

autoconf.o: undefined symbol '_scsibus_cd' referenced from text segment

I have no scsi controllers in the config, nor scsi_cd (or so I think).

(In case you hadn't guessed, I am trying for a very tight diskless
NFS-root kernel, then running 'X -query' on top of that.  I have made
these "one-floppy x-terms" on Linux/i386 before,  and I see a real chance
of getting something similar done with the graveyard of IIsi/IIci/Q660
that my department has around me.  If I get this up, I will bundle a super
mini distribution of BSD, to come off a BOOTP serving machine)

Is the -current series likely to be more fixed for things like this, or to
have more new bugs?  Thanks for the help.

My config is at

I went a little happy with the delete line, so some options got hashed out
and some went away completely.