Subject: Compile help please.
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Shorock <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/04/1998 12:12:46
Alright friends.  I am not much of a kernel hacker, but I am trying to do
a recompile.  My system handles a compile of GENERIC fine.  However, when
I try to pare down the kernel (actually, I am cutting most things out of
it, for an embedded app), I am getting one error message.  Here goes:

cc1: warnings being treated as errors
../../../../arch/mac68k/dev/if_mc.c: 574: warning: static declaration for
'mc_rint' follows non-static

and then it dies.  

The source is 1.3 patched to 1.3.1, all from  I am personally
rather surprised that this doesn't show up in all compiles.  If you think
you can help me, I can send you a copy of the config I am using.  I am
about to try recompiling with ignoring warnings, but I hate to do that.  I
really like the fact that BSD compiles itself in paranoid mode.

Thanks, St. Thomas, the Average