Subject: modemd not working
To: Port-Mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Hendrick <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/22/1998 22:26:35
Has anyone used modemd from the packages archive?  I grabbed the tar file
from the distfiles directory, manually applied the patches, changed the
lock files directory in include/ttio.h to /var/spool/lock and compiled the
program without problem.

When started, modemd initializes the modem and prints "Waiting for modem
to ring" to the messages file.  I can dial in with no problem.  If I use
cu to talk with the modem, modemd does not seem to "see" another program
accessing the modem.  Instead of waiting for the cu lock file to clear
then exit so init will re-run it, modemd just sits there.  Now it will no
longer answer the phone.  I thought it might not be seeing the lock file
for cu, but even typing RING in cu doesn't get a response.

(Michael Hendrick)