Subject: IPNAT trouble - system crashes (fwd)
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/21/1998 19:40:05
I posted this message a few weeks ago, and didn't get any response. Maybe
it hit the wrong audience :)
anyone have any ideas why it happens?
  - a

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 10:37:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Armen Babikyan <>
To: port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG
Subject: IPNAT trouble - system crashes


I have been using IPNAT here at my house for awhile now and I love it. I
have two computers on the network, a q700/NetBSD box (runs ipnat) and a
powermac 6205 (running macos).

yesterday, i added 3 more computers to the LAN, a q840av/macos, a
IIvx/macos and a IIcx/macos. After these computers were configured for
using the internet through the netbsd box, and tcp connections were opened
from all of them to computer outside the lan, with no significant
bandwidth, the netbsd system froze - ethernet, the ui (X), everything.
Eventually, i got around the annoying crashing by opening tcp connections
to the netbsd router, and opening connections out from there.

I believe it was a fault of the ipnat software, because i tried many
computer combinations, and the only way that a crash occured was if the #
of computers using ipnat increased (i think 3 made it crash even, 2 worked
fine - my original setup).

I'd like to know why this happened. does anyone have any thoughts?
I don't have a stack trace, but if necessary, i will reproduce the
situation and send it to anyone who could make use of it.

incidently, i have plenty of swap and ram. more than 25MB when the system

I'm using my own IPNAT setup as shown in


  - a