Subject: On-line survey: I need your assistance
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/08/1998 02:44:11
This is a one-time invitation to participate to an academic 
market research project. In order to draw a representative sample 
of Internet user your email address was randomly generated. 
Should this email be most unwelcome to you, I truly apologise and 
I inform you that you shall not receive any other solicitation 
from myself.


I am a graduate student at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 
Belgium and I am conducting a survey on preference of courier 
services among businesses operating on the Internet.

If you are employed or run your own business, please take the 
time to answer to my on-line questionnaire by visiting one of the 
following Web sites:

or by writing an email to to require an 
electronic or paper version of the questionnaire.

As a small taken of my appreciation for your assistance with this 
project and thanks to the sponsoring of a professional 
organisation in the international postal services business, I 
will draw 10 cash prizes worth 100 US$ each among all the 
completed surveys.

Sincerely yours,

Luca Meyer
International Study Program of Statistics
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven